Our Lavender is carefully dried to preserve the essence of this timeless herb, each bud encapsulates the therapeutic benefits of lavender. Renowned for its calming properties, it is a natural remedy to ease stress, and anxiety, and promote relaxation. Incorporate lavender buds into your bedtime routine for a soothing sleep ritual. Place sachets under your pillow or infuse them in a warm bath to unwind. Lavender's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties offer gentle care for the skin, making it a delightful addition to skincare rituals.
Infusions: Brew a cup of lavender tea to savor its calming aroma or add a teaspoon to your favorite herbal blends for a fragrant touch.
Sachets: Create sachets filled with lavender buds to freshen drawers, closets, or any space in need of a tranquil atmosphere. Place it under your pillow for sweet dreams.
Our Organic Dried Lavender is cultivated with care, free from pesticides and artificial additives, ensuring you experience the full spectrum of lavender's benefits in every bud.
1oz bag
Read more about lavender on out blog.
'Ohana Organics is not responsible for improper use of any herb or herbal products listed on this website. Any information shared is intended to provide educational information on the traditional uses of these herbs and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information has not been evaluated by FDA.